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Ep 76 Darien Williams Cant Say No Balancing Work and Creativity
Episode 76:

Darien Williams Can‘t Say No / Balancing Work & Creativity

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Session Notes

In this week's music interview podcast, I talked with Darien Williams of Unmanned Ship, Cat Mullins & ThemBoys, M!NES, and faug!

Here's Darien William's bio:

Darien is a drummer/vocalist in a few bands in Chicago including Unmanned Ship, Cat Mullins & ThemBoys, and M!NES who spends most of his time figuring out how to find more time. Along with the music zone, Darien helps run the TGIS streaming network which hosts monthly shows at Cafe Mustache! You've for sure seen him biking around Logan Square or walking very fast eating Moran tacos rushing into work!

Darien is in four different bands, he runs his own Kombucha company (Clave Kombucha), he works at Cafe Mustache, he runs Mustache's streaming Twitch channel, he even does sound and camera work and set design for Music Therapy: Group Session live tapings at Cafe Mustache (oh, and other shows too).  Like many creative people, he does a lot.  And our conversation was all about balancing work and creativity, which is not always easy to do.

We also talked about his musical inspiration and the four different bands he plays in, how he managed to record so much during the pandemic, and just how he's going to manage four album releases in 2022.

Darien is a true sweetheart.  Give this episode a spin and come meet Darien in person at our next live taping at Cafe Mustache on November 10!



No transcript at this time

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